Andy DowLondon-born Andrew Dow became a Christian through a British nationwide union of Bible classes set up to reach young people from non believing homes. It was at Oxford University that he felt God’s call to ministry – a decisive factor was the excitement of seeing friends of his becoming Christians - and the enthusiasm for church ministry shown by the leader of the church he was attending! After university, Andy went to Uganda to teach in a large African boarding school, before returning forministry training at London’s Oak Hill College. It was there that he met his wife Miriam – she was the Principal’s secretary! – and they have both served together in six different UK churches before moving to Stratford-upon-Avon (Shakespeare’s town) in 2010. They have two grown up daughters, Jennie and Carrie. Andy loves preaching, photography, and railways – in that order! He has the unusual gift of being able to imitate the sounds made by trains, and once travelled to Japan specifically to do this on TV! ministry shown by the leader of the church he was attending!
Latest Sermon by Andy Dow
keywords: Pharisees, Commandments, Law, Legalism, God, Neighbour, LoveHere is Jesus, as he re-configures the ten commandments into TWO - for his critics, and for us all! Taking in their ‘height’ and ‘width’ helps us to see that Christianity is not a set of rules, but a new mindset!
All 6 Sermons by Andy Dow
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