Robert Cunville

Robert Cunville’s life as one of India’s outstanding preachers began when, as a young man intending to study law in England, he went to hear a barefoot preacher who was speaking from the porch of a house – and was riveted by the message of Christ. His call to full-time ministry soon followed, and studying began at Serampore College near Kolkata. In 1965 he was to marry Carol, from Shillong. Having pastored Kolkata’s Union Chapel for three years, Robert was to assist Billy Graham at a momentous campaign in Nagaland, and in 1977 Mr Graham invited Robert to become a member of his team, and today he continues as an associate of the Billy Graham organization. Christians and non-Christians alike are touched by Robert Cunville’s humility and courage as he takes the message of Christ wherever God leads.
There are 5 other Sermons by Robert Cunville on this site.
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Why Does God Allow Trouble?
Robert Cunville
keywords: trust, Daniel
Psalm 37:5 Daniel 6:1 - 28
What if nothing is working for the believer? Is it worth trusting in God? Daniel proved that when God steps in, nothing else matters!
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Here Robert Cunville draws on this vivid account of the Cross- and the people involved, including the dying thief next to Jesus.