Randy Roberts

Randy Roberts, senior pastor of the University Church of Loma Linda, California, was raised by his missionary parents in South America. From college days he became based in Keene, Texas, and gained a major in Theology and a minor in Modern languages, before completing a Master of Divinity degree at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, from which he graduated in 1985.
There are 5 other Sermons by Randy Roberts on this site.
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How Could You?
Randy Roberts
keywords: Storms, trust, bereavement, illness, disappointment, fear, evil, Sea
Mark 4:35 - 41
With Jesus asleep in the boat as the storm broke over Lake Galilee, Randy Roberts suggests a number of questions that the drama might have posed; to Peter and the disciples, to Jesus himself and indeed to every one of us – and ends by asking ‘Does the boat ever go down - with Jesus in it?’
Related sermons
Also by Randy Roberts
Ever tried actually to define Love? We can do so as Randy Roberts draws on the glowing words of the apostle John and invites us to dwell on an eternal ‘ever-present, ever-persistent reality’ in a sermon that draws on stories from everyday life for its vivid illustrations.