Glen Scrivener

Born in Canberra, Australian Glen Scrivener has a ministry as an evangelist along the south coast of England. Having served as a lay assistant in church life in London, he was then ordained to the Anglican ministry, and joined the staff of All Souls Church in Eastbourne.
There are 5 other Sermons by Glen Scrivener on this site.
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Crushed to Life
Glen Scrivener
keywords: Jairus, crowds, Christ’s touch, Power, Life.
Mark 5:21 - 43
These are exhilarating accounts of Jesus ministering in the crush of a crowd. They have all the hallmarks of a first-hand witness. Here He is, healing a woman from 12 years of pain. Next he’s raising to life a young girl who had given 12 years of joy to her prominent dad, before she died. Suffering is the great leveller of people. And Jesus can be the Saviour of any and all.
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Also by Glen Scrivener
The account of Moses – floating as a baby in the Nile and then standing at the Burning Bush gives us an emblem of the answer. Follow Glen’s winsome description of the God who not only hears the cries of His people, but in concern comes to rescue them…. and more. Other gods never suffer! Our God suffers. Look for the answer right here.