Barry Cooper
Barry Cooper Barry Cooper is an author and speaker who currently works for Christianity Explored Ministries, and has been worshipping at All Souls, Langham Place in London since 1996. He has an MA in English Literature from St Catherine’s College, Oxford, and an MA in Christian Studies from Trinity Divinity School in Chicago.

There are 3 other Sermons by Barry Cooper on this site.

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Barry Cooper

keywords: Clean and Unclean, Tradition, the Heart, Evil.

Mark 7:1 - 4
Mark 7:14 - 20

What is it that makes someone ‘unclean’ – according to the Bible’s teaching? Barry Cooper compellingly unfolds this passage from the teaching of Jesus – seen here as both a doctor and as God!

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Also by Barry Cooper

Earn it!

Here is the account of a rich young ruler falling at the feet of Christ in his desire for eternal life – only to meet with a reality check in regard to his true priorities and values. Barry illustrates his sermon vividly from a famous film.