Keith Garner

Keith Garner is the Superintendent of Wesley Mission, Sydney, Australia. He is a former Cliff College student, Wesley College, Bristol and Westminster College, Oxford. Following 25 years as a British Methodist minister, he and Carol moved to Australia in 2005 to take up responsibility for the famous Wesley Mission in Sydney. Wesley Mission is one of the largest city centre churches in the world, exercising a Word and Deed ministry. Keith is best known for his preaching ministry, combining evangelical passion and social commitment. He leads a Mission with 2,300 staff spread across New South Wales. The worshipping life of Wesley Mission sees 2,000 people in worship each week and services are conducted in Mandarin, Rotuman, Samoan and Japanese, as well as in English. He is regularly sought for social comment in Australia and broadcasts extensively through his weekly television program Wesley Impact and preaching through Christian channels on Praise Prayer & Preaching, both of which are received around the world.
There are 5 other Sermons by Keith Garner on this site.
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The Challenge of Jesus’ Discipleship
Keith Garner
keywords: Discipleship, ‘Signs,’ Andrew, humanity, Incarnation
Matthew 28:19 - 20
Here are three cameos, taken from the actions of Jesus – and they give us markers for our own discipleship; three things that Jesus ‘took’…. and then used. Look out for them, and then – speakers and preachers – re-use them yourselves one day!
Related sermons
Also by Keith Garner
Here is a sermon that will help us fall in love with Jesus all over again, with Keith Garner’s vivid presentation of the resurrected Jesus cooking breakfast on the beach – and transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary…. for ever!