John Taylor
John Taylor We salute the memory of the late John Taylor who departed this life in May of 2016. Having served the Church for many years in parishes and in the theological college of Oak Hill (where he was Vice-Principal for eight years), he was then appointed to be Bishop of St Albans, from 1980 to 1995.

There are 3 other Sermons by John Taylor on this site.

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To Be A Pilgrim

John Taylor

keywords: Covenant, Pilgrimage, The Promised Land, the Call

Genesis 12:1 - 3

For Abraham to leave his land, equipped with only an altar and a tent, was to show God's all-time people the true marks of pilgrimage. The times of prosperity for Abraham were times of spiritual poverty. The call today is for true pilgrims!

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A long time

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Also by John Taylor

The Voice from the Desert

There is much to learn from the shepherd Amos, a 'non-professional' prophet from the south, fired up with a message he could not hold back from delivering to corrupt Israel in the north. Where are the 'amateur' prophets today?