Ben Kwashi

Ben Kwashi of Nigeria was raised in a Christian family, and he tells the story of six young Christian men from Cambridge University who came to witness in his area in the early days of the twentieth century. His great-grandfather was a local king in the middle belt of Nigeria, and there is no doubt that the spiritual legacy of the young man has lasted til this day. Ben had been preparing for a military career, but felt the call to Christian ministry in his early twenties. Serving in several churches, he then became Principal of St Francis of Assisi Theological College, Zaria. It was in January 2006 that he became presented as anglican Archbishop of Jos Province, in the administrative capital of Plateau State. Loved in many parts of the world for his animated preaching, he is married to Gloria, and they have six in their family. In 2003 Ben was conferred with the national honour of Officer of the Order of the Niger.
There are 5 other Sermons by Ben Kwashi on this site.
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Grace in Leadership
Ben Kwashi
keywords: The Second Coming, Wisdom Waiting, Grace, Authority
Titus 2:11 - 15
Ben Kwashi illustrates the call faithfully to preach the glorious ‘appearing of Christ,’ from his early days in Nigeria, when his great grandfather was King, and young men from Cambridge University arrived with the Gospel of grace. Everything followed from that!
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The Christian leader is not to live in isolation, however difficult the environment. The way in, and the way ON is by love that preaches God’s generosity, yet resists the bringers of error and division.