William Mackenzie
William Mackenzie William is a gold medal graduate of Glasgow University. Initially he worked in agriculture and continues to be active in the family farming business. He began publishing Christian books over thirty years ago, with the objective of bringing to children the truth of the Gospel through Bible stories. Christian Focus now has 1900 titles in print, under four inprints – for pastors, students, adults and children – and operates across the world in seventy-five different languages.

There are 5 other Sermons by William Mackenzie on this site.

Click here for full biography and list of Sermons

Christ is the Gospel

William Mackenzie

keywords: Gospel, Faith, Salvation.

William Mackenzie takes one of the most influential statements of all Christian history, and shows us why we love it! What we are saved FROM? What we are saved FOR?

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Also by William Mackenzie

Christ - greater than Jonah

William Mackenzie leads us from the similarities between Jesus and Jonah to a comparison – which closes with the stunning difference in the response to the two preachers!